I'm developing an app that saves the street of the user's current location. I already have the location, and I´m using geocoder to get the street and the number:
- (void)reverseGeocoder:(MKReverseGeocoder *)geocoder didFindPlacemark:(MKPlacemark *)placemark
// with the placemark you can now retrieve the city name
[self setCity:placemark.subLocality];
[self setStreet:placemark.thoroughfare];
[self setNumber:placemark.subThoroughfare];
Everything goes all right, but I`m in Argentina, and the placemark's subthoroughfare field is always null.
I found something related to this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7335094/mapkit-stopped-sending-subthoroughfare-when-the-coordinates-dont-correspond-to , but i always get null even in exact positions (in Argentina). In android, i'm able to get streets numbers without any problem.
Any advice will be appreciated
Ok, finally I solved the issue using the google apis to reatrive the location.