I want to place a command button in a cell though VBA code. Say position B3. I used macro recorder for this purpose but it gives me the top bottom values of the button. I don't want that cuz if I take my code to some other computer with another screen resolution, the code will fail. A cell position (example B3) will be an absolute position.
Can you suggest me a way to do this.
P.S Its an activeX button
You can't place any object "in" a cell, only over it. You can set the button's Left and Top properties to the Cell's Left/Top.
Sub Tester()
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("B3")
With ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CommandButton1")
.Top = rng.Top
.Left = rng.Left
.Width = rng.Width
.Height = rng.RowHeight
End With
End Sub