I want to use multiple databases in my Django project. I currently have Django 1.3 installed and my project uses PostgreSQL. I want to add an app that uses MongoDB.
As I understand(please correct me if I'm wrong), to support MongoDB, I need Django-nonrel which is a fork that provides support for non-relational databases.
So what do I need to do to get MongoEngine running in my Django project while still keeping support for the Postgre stuff in my project?
Should I just run the setup.py in the Django-nonrel package? Uninstall the official Django 1.3? I'm confused here.
If you're using pip, I think it will do it for you automatically because nonrel marks itself as supplying "django".
You are correct that you will need to uninstall django and install django-nonrel if pip doesn't do that automatically.
As for the apps living on the same project, in your database dictionary you just set one db to use postgres and one to use mongo.
If you have any questions we are here at #django-nonrel on freenode irc.