Hey guys I'm not sure if I'm going about all this the right way. I need the first 12 numbers of Fibonacci sequence to calculate which its doing already I'm pretty sure. But now I need to display the hexadecimal contents of (Fibonacci) in my program using dumpMem. I need to be getting a print out of : 01 01 02 03 05 08 0D 15 22 37 59 90
But I'm only getting: 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Any tips or help is much much appreciated.
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
reg DWORD -1,1,0 ; Initializes a DOUBLEWORD array, giving it the values of -1, 1, and 0
array DWORD 48 DUP(?)
Fibonacci BYTE 1, 1, 10 DUP (?)
main PROC
mov array, 1
mov esi,OFFSET array ; or should this be Fibonacci?
mov ecx,12
add esi, 4
mov edx, [reg]
mov ebx, [reg+4]
mov [reg+8], edx
add [reg+8], ebx ; Adds the value of the EBX and 'temp(8)' together and stores it as temp(8)
mov eax, [reg+8] ; Moves the value of 'temp(8)' into the EAX register
mov [esi], eax ; Moves the value of EAX into the offset of array
mov [reg], ebx ; Moves the value of the EBX register to 'temp(0)'
mov [reg+4], eax ; Moves the value of the EAX register to 'temp(4)
add esi, 4
; call DumpRegs
call WriteInt
loop L1
;mov ebx, offset array
;mov ecx, 12
;mov eax, [esi]
;add esi, 4
;call WriteInt
;loop L2
;Below will show hexadecimal contents of string target-----------------
mov esi, OFFSET Fibonacci ; offset the variables
mov ebx,1 ; byte format
mov ecx, SIZEOF Fibonacci ; counter
call dumpMem
main ENDP
END main
It seems to me that the problem here is with computing the Fibonacci sequence. Your code for that leaves me somewhat...puzzled. You have a bunch of "stuff" there, that seems to have nothing to do with computing Fibonacci numbers (e.g., reg
), and others that could, but it seems you don't really know what you're trying to do with them.
Looking at your loop to compute the sequence, the first thing that practically jumps out at me is that you're using memory a lot. One of the first (and most important) things when you're writing assembly language is to maximize your use of registers and minimize your use of memory.
As a hint, I think if you read anything from memory in the course if computing the sequence, you're probably making a mistake. You should be able to do all the computation in registers, so the only memory references will be writing results. Since you're (apparently) producing only byte-sized results, you should need only one array of the proper number of bytes to hold the results (i.e., one byte per number you're going to generate).
I'm tempted to write a little routine showing how neatly this can be adapted to assembly language, but I suppose I probably shouldn't do that...