I need to load jQuery1.7 as module, I've seen this code of @jrburke:
paths: {
'jquery' : 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.0/jquery.min'
require(['jquery'], function($) {
//$ points to jQuery
It's not very useful for me, because all .js
name are generated by server-side, I got them from php-array.
So, I wrote this:
function($) {
//$ points to jQuery
But $
is null inside this function.
Here is my php-template that render my js-scripts for this page:
<script src="http://requirejs.org/docs/release/1.0.1/minified/require.js">
<?php echo "'". implode("',\n\t'", $this->scripts) . "'\n"; ?>
], function($){
console.warn ($); // null ;(
// loaded jQuery
window.$ = $;
// Load main client script for this page
boot( '<?php echo $this->eprint($this->content_page); ?>' );
and it is my php-array for this page (page index
$scripts = array(
Have your php array of the form:
$jquery = array (
'jQuery' => 'http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.0/jquery.min.js'
Then try:
paths: <?php echo json_encode($jquery) ?>
require(['jquery'], function($) {
//$ points to jQuery