I've got a choose file
in my AppleScript. When I run the script and choose a file, the output is always the full file path with the file extension on the end. For example:
Macintosh HD:Developer:About Xcode.pdf
is what I don't want. I only want:
About Xcode
The below answer by Kassym Dorsel
doesn't work when there is more than one .
in it.
The below answer by Lri doesn't work with set x to choose file
error "Can’t make quoted form of alias \"Macintosh HD:Applications:Firefox.app:\" into type Unicode text." number -1700 from quoted form of alias "Macintosh HD:Applications:Firefox.app:" to Unicode text
You can use the Finder to manipulate the names of Finder items:
choose file with prompt "Pick one"
set filepath to result
tell application "Finder" to set {dispName, nameExt, isHidden} to ¬
the {displayed name, name extension, extension hidden} of the filepath
if isHidden or nameExt is equal to "" then
(characters 1 through (-2 - (count of nameExt)) of dispName) as text
end if
set baseName to result