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Binding core plot library in monotouch error

I am using MonoTouch 5.0.2. I am trying to bind the core plot library using btouch tool.

First I downloaded core plot library 0.4, then i downloaded the monotouch example which is using this library. Now i have the coreplot.cs which is the API definition class and the enums.cs class and the extra.cs class and finally the assembly.cs which link my Objective C library with MonoTouch.

I got this error:

Monotouch.coregraphics.cgcolor.handle is inaccessible
monotouch.coregraphics.cgpath.handle is inaccessible

My command is:

/Developer/Monotouch/usr/bin/btouch coreplot.cs -s: enums.cs extras.cs assemblyInfo.cs --link-with ="libcoreplot-cocatouch.a"


  • You need to invoke btouch with the -e command-line option or 'handle' is private.

    You also need to use -x for extras.cs and assemblyinfo.cs (although that is broken up through MonoTouch 5.0.2, so you'll need to wait for 5.0.3 for the following command-line to work):

    /Developer/Monotouch/usr/bin/btouch -e coreplot.cs -s:enums.cs -x:extras.cs -x:assemblyInfo.cs --link-with ="libcoreplot-cocatouch.a"

    Alternatively you could use the smcs trick that is used here: