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getopt library won't load

[76]> (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op 'getopt) ; loading system definition from getopt.asd into # ;; Loading file getopt.asd ... ; registering # as GETOPT ; registering # as GETOPT-TESTS

* - Program stack overflow. RESET

I don't think I'm doing anything wrong, I can get other libraries to load this way, but I'm new to this implementation, and young to lisp, so what do I know...

What could I be doing differently?

This is GNU clisp from Ubuntu 10.04, getopt 1.2.0-3


  • Hmmm, apparently the answer is "Don't use clisp or gcl". The library loads without complaint in sbcl.

    Not very satisfying, but at least there's a solution.