I am trying to set the focus of a uitextfield. Using this code
[_partNoTextField becomeFirstResponder];
When I run the code, the keyboard goes away and the text field is not in focus. I need it to focus on _partNoTextField after it runs my IBAction checkpartno. On the textfield I have setup Did end on exit to call my checkpartno ibaction so when a user hits return it runs it. How can I get the focus to go back to the _partNoTextField ?
Don't use the "did end on exit" selector but instead set a delegate from the text field back to your controller and then:
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField
// i.e. run your IBAction when clicking on return key
// here I am assuming your checkparno action lives in the
// same object as your delegate
[self checkpartno: textField];
return NO; // returning NO means the keyboard stays up