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Add a custom regex validation in jQuery Validation Engine

I have problems adding a custom validation to validate fields entering time (with jQuery Validation Engine), in the following manner: hh:mm (e.g. 12:30);

As far as I know I should add the following

    "alertText":" errormessage in the locale chosen"}                           

in jquery.validationEngine-(the locale).js

and add the following in the input field class="validate[custom[timeFormat]]"

But for some reason it doesn't work, whatever I've entered it displays that the field is not valid. I suspect that my regex is something wrong, but I've tested it in and it seems pretty OK.



  • You don't need the quotes around your regex. Try this here:

        "regex": /^([01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]$/,
        "alertText":" errormessage in the locale chosen"                           