Can I supposed to launch One-Jar using JWS? One-JAR provides custom classloader that knows how to load classes and resources from a jars inside an archive whereas in JWS we need to specify each JAR that is being used in resources.
What I supposed to specify in JNLP if I am trying to launch One-Jar -
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="" href="">
<!-- Application Resources -->
<j2se version="1.5+"
<jar href="Application.jar" main="true" download="eager" />
<application-desc main-class="com.simontuffs.onejar.Boot">
<update check="background"/>
My Application JAR that is One-JAR contains -
com\simontuffs\onejar\<contains complied classes> like JarClassLoader$1.class etc
lib/<contains all jar>
main/<my application's jar>
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.8.1
Created-By: One-Jar 0.96 Ant taskdef
Main-Class: com.simontuffs.onejar.Boot
One-Jar-Main-Class: com.application.main.Entry
Name: com/simontuffs/onejar/Boot$3.class
SHA1-Digest: +LPrezs+UEFcE3J7QvumcAEO8Z0=
Name: OneJar.class
SHA1-Digest: 28pzzJWqEpLk1xFwJ/jsAav8LyI=
Name: lib/commons-io-1.4.jar
SHA1-Digest: qHYtB+ds/eI5Ulel2ke6fB29Pc4=
How to specify these com/simontuffs/onejar/Boot$3.class paths in resource ?
Part of the problem of supporting tools like One-Jar is that loading Jars within Jars requires a custom class-loader. By default JWS will use the usual JRE class-loaders - which do not support it.
There are two possible ways that you might get around that (that I know of).
Get an instance of the custom loader used by One-Jar and set it as the context class-loader. This would require a trusted app., but I get the impression that your app. is trusted.
I have no idea if the One-Jar API provides this loader for your own app.'s use.
From Options and VM Properties..
: Recorded classes are kept in directories corresponding to their jar names.false
: Recorded classes are flattened into a single directory.
Duplicates are ignored (first wins)The 2nd option sounds like a standard 'fat jar'. That should work with the conventional (default) class-loader used by JWS.