I would like to have help about binding a function to NSMenuItem.
I have an array of object Tab and I would like to draw an NSMenuItem for each of the Tab objects. I succeed in drawing and adding the NSMenuItem but I would like that when user clicks on the item, it calls the instance method (void)play
of the concerned Tab object. I've already tried with the following code but it seems to not be working because the menu item stays grey.
-(void)buildInterface: (NSMutableArray *) tabArray ;
for (Tab *currentTab in tabArray)
NSMenuItem *item = [[NSMenuItem alloc] init];
[item setTitle:@"test"];
[item setTarget:currentTab];
[item setAction: @selector(play:)];
[statusMenu insertItem:item atIndex:1];
Here is the Tab.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "Safari.h"
#import "GoogleChrome.h"
@interface Tab : NSObject{
NSString *plistKey; //key pour le dico de la plist
NSString *navigateur; //type du navigateur
NSString *titreTab; //titre de la page Web concernée (hors transmission information)
NSString *idSite; //nom en toute lettre et mis en forme du site
NSString *URL; //URL de l'onglet
NSInteger *tempsChanson; //durée de la chanson courante en seconde
NSInteger *tempsPlayed; //temps déjà joué en secondes
NSInteger *tabIndex; //index de l'onglet
SafariTab *tabObjectSafari; //objet de l'onglet concerné, safari
SafariWindow *tabWindowSafari; //fenêtre de l'onglet conderné, safari
SafariApplication *applicationSafari;
GoogleChromeTab *tabObjectChrome;
GoogleChromeWindow *tabWindowChrome;
GoogleChromeApplication *applicationChrome;
@property(readwrite, copy) NSString *titreTab;
@property(readwrite, copy) NSString *plistKey;
@property(readwrite, copy) NSString *idSite;
@property(readwrite, copy) NSString *URL;
@property(readwrite, copy) NSString *navigateur;
@property(readwrite, retain) SafariTab *tabObjectSafari;
@property(readwrite, retain) SafariWindow *tabWindowSafari;
@property(readwrite, retain) SafariApplication *applicationSafari;
@property(readwrite, retain) GoogleChromeTab *tabObjectChrome;
@property(readwrite, retain) GoogleChromeWindow *tabWindowChrome;
@property(readwrite, retain) GoogleChromeApplication *applicationChrome;
//initialisation d'un onglet Safari
-(id)initwithSafari: (SafariWindow *) passedWindow tab: (SafariTab *)passedTab application:(SafariApplication *)safariApplication dictionnaryKey:(NSString *) plistKey;
//TODO initialisation d'un onglet avec Google Chrome
-(id)initwithChrome: (GoogleChromeWindow *) passedWindow tab: (GoogleChromeTab *)passedTab application:(GoogleChromeApplication *)chromeApplication dictionnaryKey:(NSString *) plistKey;
+(NSArray *)isControlabe: (SafariTab *) passedTab;
Here is the link to a picture showing the result after calling the function http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/3/capturedcran20111127205.png/ (I don't have enough reputation sorry).
You're using [item setAction: @selector(play:)];
which requires a function -(void)play:(id)sender;
. You should remove the colon in the selector, so that you can use the function -(void)play;