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Boost mp3 volume on iOS

I was looking for information on as well as on, but could not find a simple and elegant solution.

I will describe the key problems: it takes to get MP3 file from your media library iPod and increase its volume. On receipt of the file and playing key problems arise.

But the questions - which are not resolved:

  1. How do I change the volume and re-encode MP3 file - so the volume was changed forever? The solution given in iOS: Create an MP3 on device Xcode, building and dylibs Trouble playing mp3s after id3 image edit not strike me as simple and good.

  2. How do I replace the files from your iTunes library to the ones that made ​​my program? The need to force the user to synchronize this device, and manually drag and drop files to the library I razocharovyaet.

Are there any - any comments or suggestions. I would appreciate it.


  • I'm find in iTunes Music Library.xml key

    Volume Adjustment 
    I can boost volume on iTunes via this =). This match more better for me, except encode and realization meshanisms of lame/ffmpeg etc.

            Track ID2009
            NameStanding On The Shore
            ArtistEmpire Of The Sun
            Album ArtistEmpire Of The Sun
            AlbumWalking On A Dream
            KindАудиофайл MPEG
            Total Time263836
            Track Number1
            Date Modified2011-11-26T19:52:01Z
            Date Added2011-09-23T20:59:24Z
            Bit Rate320
            Sample Rate44100
            Volume Adjustment192
            Play Count12
            Play Date3402675506
            Play Date UTC2011-10-28T17:38:26Z
            Skip Count2
            Skip Date2011-11-06T10:15:51Z
            Album Rating60
            Album Rating Computed
            Persistent ID2CF1305AEEF0FCDB
            Track TypeFile
            File Folder Count5
            Library Folder Count1