I have a class that stores settings for my app. It is instantiated when the app. runs and saved when the app. closes.
public class Settings
public bool showPrivacyPageOnBlogs;
public bool showTermsPageOnBlogs;
public bool showDisclosurePageOnBlogs;
And there is a popup window that displays check boxes to set these values using public properties of the popup window.
The code to handle the popup window is like:
// Horrible code ahead
private void pagesSettingsToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
pagesSettingsForm.showPrivacyPageOnBlogs = settings.showPrivacyPageOnBlogs;
pagesSettingsForm.showTermsPageOnBlogs = settings.showTermsPageOnBlogs;
pagesSettingsForm.showDisclosurePageOnBlogs = settings.showDisclosurePageOnBlogs;
if (pagesSettingsForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
settings.showPrivacyPageOnBlogs = pagesSettingsForm.showPrivacyPageOnBlogs;
settings.showTermsPageOnBlogs = pagesSettingsForm.showTermsPageOnBlogs;
settings.showDisclosurePageOnBlogs = pagesSettingsForm.showDisclosurePageOnBlogs;
In my app. there are several more parameters being handled in this way so I would like to know if there is some way to simplify this code to maybe enumerate the names of the settings and allow for future addition of additional parameters.
Simply have the form expose a property of type Settings with a getter and a setter. That makes the snippet you posted simple without any changes needed when you add members to Settings. The effort now moves to the form implementation. PropertyGrid is a generic object editor, whether it is usable enough in your case is hard to guess.