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Writing functions that accept both 1-D and 2-D numpy arrays?

My understanding is that 1-D arrays in numpy can be interpreted as either a column-oriented vector or a row-oriented vector. For instance, a 1-D array with shape (8,) can be viewed as a 2-D array of shape (1,8) or shape (8,1) depending on context.

The problem I'm having is that the functions I write to manipulate arrays tend to generalize well in the 2-D case to handle both vectors and matrices, but not so well in the 1-D case.

As such, my functions end up doing something like this:

if arr.ndim == 1:
    # Do it this way
    # Do it that way

Or even this:

# Reshape the 1-D array to a 2-D array
if arr.ndim == 1:
    arr = arr.reshape((1, arr.shape[0]))

# ... Do it the 2-D way ...

That is, I find I can generalize code to handle 2-D cases (r,1), (1,c), (r,c), but not the 1-D cases without branching or reshaping.

It gets even uglier when the function operates on multiple arrays as I would check and convert each argument.

So my question is: am I missing some better idiom? Is the pattern I've described above common to numpy code?

Also, as a related matter of API design principles, if the caller passes a 1-D array to some function that returns a new array, and the return value is also a vector, is it common practice to reshape a 2-D vector (r,1) or (1,c) back to a 1-D array or simply document that the function returns a 2-D array regardless?



  • I think in general NumPy functions that require an array of shape (r,c) make no special allowance for 1-D arrays. Instead, they expect the user to either pass an array of shape (r,c) exactly, or for the user to pass a 1-D array that broadcasts up to shape (r,c).

    If you pass such a function a 1-D array of shape (c,) it will broadcast to shape (1,c), since broadcasting adds new axes on the left. It can also broadcast to shape (r,c) for an arbitrary r (depending on what other array it is being combined with).

    On the other hand, if you have a 1-D array, x, of shape (r,) and you need it to broadcast up to shape (r,c), then NumPy expects the user to pass an array of shape (r,1) since broadcasting will not add the new axes on the right for you.

    To do that, the user must pass x[:,np.newaxis] instead of just x.

    Regarding return values: I think it better to always return a 2-D array. If the user knows the output will be of shape (1,c), and wants a 1-D array, let her slice off the 1-D array x[0] herself.

    By making the return value always the same shape, it will be easier to understand code that uses this function, since it is not always immediately apparent what the shape of the inputs are.

    Also, broadcasting blurs the distinction between a 1-D array of shape (c,) and a 2-D array of shape (r,c). If your function returns a 1-D array when fed 1-D input, and a 2-D array when fed 2-D input, then your function makes the distinction strict instead of blurred. Stylistically, this reminds me of checking if isinstance(obj,type), which goes against the grain of duck-typing. Don't do it if you don't have to.