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Playn HTML5 won't run from Eclipse

I am trying to run the Playn example projects. I followed every step in this guide to setup new Playn development environment and then this guide to run sample projects. it seem to work fine but when I try to run the HTML5 version by right click and then going to Google-> GWT compile, nothing happens. I don't see the development mode view poping up to copy the address and paste it to web browser as the guide says. I just get the following in the console window:

   Compiling module playn.showcase.Showcase
   Compiling 1 permutation
      Compiling permutation 0...
   Compile of permutations succeeded
   Linking into L:\playn-samples\showcase\html\war\showcase
   Link succeeded

   Compilation succeeded -- 35.187s

Beyond that nothing happens. If I right click and select run as-> web application, I get the pop out saying

Could not find any hosting pages in the project playn-showcase-html Anybody know what am I doing wrong ?


  • What you got from the compilation was all good.

    "Beyond that nothing happens." is okay.

    When you right click on the "playn-showcase-html" project, select "Run As - (g) Web Application", you should get an output to the "Development Mode" tab as "".

    If not, check if you have got the following folder structures under the "playn-showcase-html" project:
