I've converted an application from Rails 3.0 to 3.1.3 and have it on a branch. I would like to transition the rails 3.1.3 branch to be the new master and a merge doesn't make sense to me. What's the best way to do this?
I explained this wrong. I moved to Rails 3.1.3 from 3.0 by creating a new rails projects and moving things over since Rails 3.1 is quite a big change in directory structure, etc. Right now they are actually in two different repositories but I don't want to lose history and abandon the old repository. I'd rather have the Rails 3.1.3 version as the master of the old repository and move the 3.0 version to another branch and eliminate the need for multiple repositories.
If you just want to make the 3.1.3 branch as master
git branch -m master 3.0rails
git branch -m 3.1.3rails master