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Audit log (trail) tampering in databases

Lets say we have a application which has a database - MySQL, SQL Server, or Oracle, for example. And let's assume that we have multiple people, like db and audit administrators, who have admin access privileges to the database. Let's say one of the people modifies a record and change the audit trail(since they have admin privileges I think they could do anything to the database, but correct me if I am wrong).

Is there any other way to detect this? Since changing the audit trail will cover up the tampering of the database record.

Do any of the database vendors has a solution for this? I guess this goes under the audit log tampering detection under the Database Forensics.


  • When the database is sufficiently important to mandate an audit, it will probably also have a backup schedule.

    One possible way (i may be wrong) would be to compare the suspect database against the backup dump; this may not be feasible if the admin/audit users are also assigned backup privileges.