I am trying to submit a form via AJAX. I figured this should be a simple thing, but it insists on posting as a regular form...
This form exists within another form, which is not AJAXified, or related? Would that cause a problem?
ArgumentError in LinkWidgetsController#create
There was no default layout for LinkWidgetsController in [/Users/victorstan/Sites/portrait/app/views, /Users/victorstan/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290@portrait/gems/devise-1.5.1/app/views]
Relevant code:
resources :profiles do
resource :link_widgets #this handles the form requests for create
member do
get 'new_link_widget' #this handles the form requests for new
resources :pages
class LinkWidgetsController < ActionController::Base
before_filter :authenticate_user!
def create
@link_widget = LinkWidget.new(params[:link_widget])
respond_to do |format|
if @link_widget.save
format.js { render :js => @link_widget, :status => :created, :layout => !request.xhr? }
logger.debug @link_widget.errors.inspect
format.js { render :js => @link_widget.errors, :status => :unprocessable_entity }
= form_for [@profile, @link_widget], :remote => true, :format => :js do |f|
= f.label :provider
= f.select(:provider, options_for_select(f.object.providers, f.object.provider))
= f.label :link
= f.text_field :link, size: 37, class: 'input-width'
= f.label :title
= f.text_field :title, size: 37, class: 'input-width'
%small.form-help-text If you set an optional title, it will show up beside the icon as a link
= f.label :order
= f.text_field :order, size: 2
- unless f.object.new_record?
= f.label :delete
= f.check_box :_destroy
= f.hidden_field :profile_id
= f.submit 'Save', class: 'right'
If I understand what you mean by This form exists within another form
, you have nested form tags (something like the following):
<form> <!-- this is a standard form -->
<form> <!-- this is the remote/AJAXified form -->
The HTML specification does not allow nesting of form tags. You should move the inner form to another place in your document. If that's not possible, you could try to use two submit buttons inside a single form, and then take appropriate action based on which button was pressed (you can do that on the server).