Could you offer me an example about how to retrieving a Youtube user's playlists with PHP?
I have read the Developer's Guide: Data API Protocol – Playlists, but I didn't understood.
This is what I would like to do:
Each tab is a play list where I show the player list. In this case we're placed ino 'Porto' tab. At the right I show the videos in the list and below the player list, show the comments.
Is it possible?
//Playlist: PLAD954BCB770DB285, remove PL from name
$playlist_id = "AD954BCB770DB285";
$url = "".$playlist_id."?v=2&alt=json";
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents($url),true);
$info = $data["feed"];
$video = $info["entry"];
$nVideo = count($video);
echo "Playlist Name: ".$info["title"]['$t'].'<br/>';
echo "Number of Videos (".$nVideo."):<br/>";
for ($i = 0; $i < $nVideo; $i++){
echo "Name: ".$video[$i]['title']['$t'].'<br/>';
echo "Link: ".$video[$i]['link'][0]['href'].'<br/>';
echo "Image: <img src='".$video[$i]['media$group']['media$thumbnail'][1]['url']."' /><br />";