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Find the largest divisor of N that is less than sqrt(N)

Actually, given N a (possibly very large) even integer, I want to find N = F * R where gcd(F,R) = 1, F>R, and F is as small as possible (since I'll be completely factoring F). The heart of the problem is finding the largest divisor R where R < sqrt(N).

For example, N=36 should give F=9 and R=4. Notice that R is not necessarily prime, or a prime power. Note that I am NOT factoring N. The only restriction on F and R is that they are relatively prime.

This is my quick and naive version, which is working:

def factor_partial(N):
    for R in xrange(int(math.sqrt(N)),1,-1):
        if N%R == 0 and gcd(R,N/R) == 1:
            return N/R, R

Another way I imagine doing it is by finding the divisors in increasing order, and removing any multiples of nondivisors along the way. Something like:

def factor_partial(N):
    i = range(2, int(sqrt(N)) + 1)
    while i:
        if N % i[0] != 0:
            remove_multiples(i, i[0]) #without removing i[0]
            if gcd(i[0], N/i[0]) == 1:
                R = i[0]
        i.pop(0) #remove i[0]

    return N/R, R

I think this will be slow and memory intensive, but perhaps if i is instead a generator it could be efficient. I haven't used generators much.

Can I improve the first version? Is the second version viable (how would I do it)? Is there a completely different method that is better?

Looking for answers in python, c, or pseudocode.

This is for a project for a class on number theory. I'm implementing a primality test based on Pocklington. While I need a factorization algorithm, we haven't studied any and I'm probably not going to use one such as the quadratic sieve which is outside the scope of my class. I'm looking for specific help with the question posed.


  • Wikipedia has a nice list of factoring algorithms:

    Your second approach effectively uses a sieve and has the nice property of quickly reducing the problem when N is a multiple of some small prime. The code can be improved by looping over primes rather than all possible divisors for 2..sqrt(n).

    Also, you may want to start out with a primality test so that you know that N is composite before doing additional work.

    Your note says that you are not factoring N but the problems are related. The search for F and R amounts to exploring non-overlapping combinations of the prime factors of N.

    In the case of N==36, the prime factorization of N is 2, 2, 3, 3. The factors of F and R must include all of those (so that F*R==N) and there can be no overlap (so that GCD(F,R)==1). So 4 and 9 emerge immediately.

    A more instructive example may be N==23256. Its factorization is 2,2,2,3,3,17,19. Since there can be no overlap between F and R, each prime base can only go into one of the two buckets (i.e. you either get all the twos or none of them). So, we can group the factors into 8,9,17,19. To find R, we want the combination of those factors that is as large as possible but below 152.49, the square-root of 23256. Our choices are {8}, {9}, {8,9}, {8,17}, {8,19}. The largest of those is 8*19 which is 152. The corresponding F is 17*19 or 153.

    The choices listed above are computed as [choice for choice in powerset([8,9,17,19]) if prod(choice) < math.sqrt(N)].

    So the whole program pretty much boils down to this:

    prime_factors = factorize(N)      # [2,2,2,3,3,17,19]
    clusters = [p**e for p, e in collections.Counter(prime_factors).items()]  # [8,9,17,19]
    R = max(prod(group) for group in powerset(clusters) if prod(group) < math.sqrt(N))
    F = N // R

    The powerset search can be made faster by pruning the generation of sets whenever they exceed the square root on N.

    Keep in mind that factorizing is computationally expensive and powersets grow very quickly but it is likely far less work than starting that the original algorithm which does many divisions starting at the square root of N and working downwards.