I need to calculate the Max value of a field, but I'm having troubles doing so. Let's say that my field is named 'VALUE0'. I would like to use the aggregate functions of TClientDataSet to do so. What should I do?
This code will fail only with fields that are BIGINT in my SQL table:
function TFrmIo.GetMaxY(): Integer;
Max0: Integer;
FieldMax0: TAggregateField;
if cds.Active then cds.Close;
FieldMax0 := TAggregateField.Create(cds);
FieldMax0.FieldName := 'MAX0';
FieldMax0.Calculated := true;
FieldMax0.ResultType := ftLargeint;
FieldMax0.FieldKind := fkAggregate;
FieldMax0.DataSet := cds;
FieldMax0.Expression := 'MAX(VALUE0)';
FieldMax0.Active := true;
Max0 := Integer(FieldMax0.Value);
I get this exception on the "cds.Open" line:
Exception class EDBClient with message 'Type mismatch in expression.'
As requested in the comment, the class name of VALUE0's field is TLargeintField and the FieldKind is fkData.
Changed the question and some parts in the text because now I know that the problem is about BIGINT vs INTEGER in TClientDataSet aggregate functions.
As pointed out by Sertac Akyuz, it is not possible to do so on Delphi 2010 and below. Seems to be fixed in Delphi XE, although I haven't tested it.