I have a program that fork()
s a new process and then overwrites that new process's stdin
with my file descriptor pipe fd
. In this process, I then use execvp()
to execute wc
and it should read its input from the parent.
In the parent, I then write to the write end of the pipe and when done writing, close the pipe.
The problem is that wc
is still expecting input and des not exit.
Usually, I can stop wc
by typing CTRLD but I can't seem to send that signal in C/C++.
How do I tell wc
to stop reading?
EDIT: I did follow the pipe/fork/dup/exec idiom (I think that's what it's called.)
The streaming works with other programs that need input, its just that wc
needs the special EOF
to stop reading.
int in_fd[2];
//parent-child setup
child = fork();
if(child == 0) {
dup2(in_fd[0], 0);
execvp(cmdArg[0], cmdArg);
} else {
in_pid = fork_in_proc();
//writing function
pid_t fork_in_proc() {
string line;
pid_t in_pid;
if((in_pid = fork()) == 0) {
ifstream file(stream_file[STREAM_IN].c_str(), ios_base::in);
if (file.bad()) {
cerr << "File read error\n";
return 1;
while(file.good()) {
getline(file, line);
if(file.good()) {
write(in_fd[1], line.c_str(), line.length());
int end = 3;
write(in_fd[1], &end, sizeof(end));
cout << "PIPE IN" << endl;
} else {
return in_pid;
Sorry if the code seems a little disjointed. I had to pull it together from around the file.
exits when you close the stdout