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how to properly secure form - flat file database

My form saves user inputs (inputs+textarea) into a flat file database. I found lots of examples Googleing on how to create a flat file database, but no one is properly covering some good basics on how to properly secure form from XSS and other malicious attacks.

I know the best way is to have (Ex:) an SQL database... but that's not the case.

So far I know (this could be wrong! correct me if it is) :

  • Preferably use .php files to store data (inside <?php ?>) instead of .txt files
  • If possible drop an .htaccess with a deny from all inside the database folder
  • Validate via php your inputs and textarea before submission. (But how to do that exactly??? I mean... what's the best way?)
  • validate properly your fields (php) (How exactly... some practices are only for sql databases, not for ffdb...)
  • I'm looking something like mysql_real_escape_string but good enough for ffdb

What are your thoughts? I appreciate your help


  • Dunno where did you get it, but by using

    • .php files to store data (inside ) instead of .txt files

    you can be definitely sure that it will ALLOW anyone whatever attack they wish,

    • drop an .htaccess with a deny from all inside the database folder

    makes absolutely no sense,

    So, it seems the only issue is

    • how to properly secure form from XSS

    and it is solved by using htmlspecialchars()

    here is an example of such a script I wrote long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
    Feel free to ask if something looks unclear.

    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST') { 
      // iterating over POST data
      foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { 
        //first we are doing non-destructive modifications
        //in case we will need to show the data back in the form on error
        $value = trim($value); 
        if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $value = stripslashes($value); 
        $value = htmlspecialchars($value,ENT_QUOTES); 
        $_POST[$key] = $value; 
        //here go "destructive" modifications, specific to the storage format
        $value = str_replace("\r","",$value);
        $value = str_replace("\n","<br>",$value);
        $value = str_replace("|","&brvbar;",$value);
        $msg[$key] = $value;
      //various validations
      if (!$msg['name']) $err.="You forgot to introduce yourself<br>"; 
      if (!$msg['notes']) $err.="You forgot to leave a comment!<br>"; 
      //and so on
      // if no errors - writing to the file
      if (!$err) { 
        $s  = $msg['name']."|".$msg['email']."|".$msg['notes']."|".time()."\n"; 
        $fp = fopen("gbook.txt","a"); 
        //and then redirect
        Header("Location: ".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); 
      //otherwise - show the filled form
    } else { 
      //if it was not a POST request
      //we have to fill variables used in form
      $_POST['name'] = $_POST['email'] = $_POST['notes'] =''; 
    <? if ($err): ?><font color=red><b><?=$err?></b></font><? endif ?> 
    <form method="POST">
    Name: <input type="text" name="name" value="<?=$_POST['name']?>"><br> 
    Email: <input type="text" name="email" value="<?=$_POST['email']?>"><br> 
    Notes: <textarea rows="3" cols="30" name="notes"><?=$_POST['notes']?></textarea><br> 
    <input type="submit" name="submit"> 

    it will produce a so-called pipe-delimited format like this


    you can read it using file()+explode()