I have a QTMovieView control on my cocoa window and it's working great with movies.
Now I want to intercept key down / up events to control the video as I like.
I created a MyMovieView class derived from QTMovieView like this
@interface MyMovieView : QTMovieView
and the code that implements it.
I tried to insert the class name "MyMovieView" into the "Custom Class" field of the Interface Builder inspector for the control QTMovieView but seems like after I close the interface builder, the class gets lost and the "Custom Class" field doesn't remember MyMovieView class.
Am I getting something wrong with the subclass mechanism? I'm a Cocoa newbie
Your code looks fine to me, I took it and shove it in a basic Xcode project with just an NSLog in the keyDown method which logs the key that was pushed. Here is a link to the the Project.