I have a collection of images in the CBM file format. What is this format? How to read it? How to convert it to, say, a BMP bitmap?
Searching the net, I found that it could mean one of those three things:
1) Fuzzy Bitmap, as per Michael Mauldin's library, FBM (1989). The softwares XnView and Graphics Convert Pro 2011 should be able to open it, but they don't. Most likely it means that the file I have is not really a Fuzzy Bitmap.
2) Compiled bitmap, as per XLib (wikipedia) How to proceed in order to test that my file is such a Compiled Bitmap? Where to download XLib / what should I build?
3) Compressed Bitmap. Do you have more info's on this format?
I found CreateDIBitmap function. If you pass correct parameters, you should be able to save it into some more known file format.
Here you can find something about Bitmap Compression.
If you don't know image details like resolution, bitsperpixel, compression type,... It will be hard to read it.