Situation: need to find which layer the user has touched.
Problem: Apple says we should use [CALayer presentationLayer] to do hit-testing, so that it represents what is actually on screen at the time (it captures info mid-animation etc).
...except: presentationLayer does NOT return the original layers, it returns copies of them ... so: the hitTest will return a brand new CALayer instance that is not equivalent to the original.
How do we find which actual CALayer was hit?
CALayer* x = [CALayer layer];
CALayer* y = [CALayer layer];
[self.view.layer addSublayer: x];
[self.view.layer addSublayer: y];
CALayer* touchedLayer = [self.view.layer.presentationLayer hitTest:touchPoint];
...but, is touchedLayer "x", or is it "y"?
if( touchedLayer == x ) // this won't work, because touchedLayer is - by definition from Apple - a new object
Ah! Just figured this out, reading a mailing list post on a different problem with CALayer.
After calling [CALayer presentationLayer], and working with the "presentation clone" of the layer-tree, you can take any object in that tree, and call [CALayer modelLayer] on it to get back the original reference object at the same position in the original tree.
This reference is stable (tested - it works).
Apple's docs are a bit ... obscure ... on this one. And they imply it will "sometimes" fail ("...results are undefined") - but it's good enough for me for now.