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Hibernate: not-null property references a null or transient value

I have 2 classes: Msgand Task that are 1-to-1.

If i try to save Msg instance without setting Task instance for it i get.

org.hibernate.PropertyValueException: not-null property references a null or transient value: entity3.Msg.task

How do i enable saving Msg without Task? i have this in mapping file for Msg but its not helping

<many-to-one class="entity3.Task" fetch="select" name="task" not-null="false">
  <column name="TaskID" not-null="true" unique="true"/>

Thanks in advance!


  • Try modifying your mapping as below,

    <many-to-one class="entity3.Task" fetch="select" name="task" 
    column="TaskID" not-null="false"> </many-to-one>

    The problem could be because you are having a not-null="true" at the column definition tag. Read here more about hibernate mappings.