I'm using osmdroid and maps downloaded from OSM up to level 16. I was wondering if there is any way I could make the osmdroid use the tile from that zoom level but draw it bigger.
The thing is that tiles on that level have enough detail for me, but are drawn to small. I've seen some other apps use the same tile levels but somehow managing to draw them bigger.
You can't do this without modifying the source code of osmdroid. Right now, tiles are shown at their actual resolution except when the view is being animated between zoom levels. That is, the tiles are switched when the animation is done, and the scale is set to 1 again. I have tried some tricks to keep the scaling when the user tries zooming beyond the highest level of detail. It works visually, but all the functions that map from pixels to map coordinates, as well as some of the interaction when dragging the map, breaks. It would therefore require a more significant modification of the source. It is doable, but I think it's not really worth the trouble - unless you actually want to contribute the modification to the project, and do it in a less hackish way.