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Gravity as frame of reference in accelerometer data in iOS

I'm working on an iPhone app for motorcyclist that will detect a crash after it has occurred. Currently we're in the data acquisition process and plotting graphs and looking at data. What i need to log is the forward user acceleration and tilt angle of the bike relative to bike standing upright on the road. I can get the user acceleration vector, i.e. the forward direction the rider is heading by sqrt of the x,y and z accelerometer values squared. But for the tilt angle i need a reference that is constant, so i thought lets use the gravity vector. Now, i realize that deviceMotion API has gravity and user acceleration values, where do these values come from and what do they mean? If i take the sqrt of the x,y and z squared components of the gravity will that always give me my up direct? How can i use that to find the tilt angle of the bike relative to an upright bike on the road? Thanks.


  • Assuming that it's not a "joke question" you will need a reference point to compare with i.e. the position taken when the user clicks "starting". Then you can use cos(currentGravity.z / |referenceGravity|) with |referenceGravity| == 1 because Core Motion measures accelerations in g.

    But to be honest there are a couple of problems for instance:

    • The device has to be in a fixed position when taking the reference frame, if you put it in a pocket and it's just moving a little bit inside, your measurement is rubbish
    • Hmm, the driver is dead but device is alive? Chances are good that the iPhone won't survive as well
    • If an app goes to the background Core Motion falls asleep and stops delivering values
    • It has to be an inhouse app because forget about getting approval for the app store

    Or did we misunderstand you and it's just a game?