Events till now
We have a CC, multisite setup where we do deliveries between 2 sites. Now when resuming a delivery at the destination site, we get this error :
Unable to read change set entry for activity "<activity name>". Unable to
convert diffs to elements. Unexpected error in deliver. Unable to perform merge.
Unable to do integration.
Then running checkvob -ucm
shows some broken hyperliniks which the SCM support team fixes for us. IBM tech note says this is a synch issue.
Now the actual problem:
This has started happening on a regular basis suddenly and we know its NOT a synch issue between VOB and PVOB as the packets are getting synched properly. What I am interested in finding out is whether this could occur due to a specific set of user actions like deleting checked out versions etc. The key point is its not a one off thing and impacts our deliveries everyday. We are not able to find any concrete triggering actions or root cause
Any ideas ?
Found out the issue; it was hidden synch issues indeed. What really was happening was that multisite synch was timing out for packets larger than 250 meg. This would create problems for bid inetersite deliveries where PVOB would synch over and VOBs would not. This was hidden as otherwise sync was happening properly.
Thanks VonC for the other inputs; I know you'd have pointed me to synch issues as a first measure had I not confirmed it wasn't the issue.