Search code examples

What is the algorithm for tag clouds?

I'd like to create a tag clouds, and I'm wondering based on what parameters I should do this.

Also, I don't want the same top tags to be displayed all the time, so how do big sites handle this?

I've got table that contains the items, a table that contains the tags (just tag id and tag text) and another table for normalization, with a row for each relationship between an item and a tag.


  • I think a good implementation with nice flexibility (and in PHP) is WordPress's implementaion. Have a look at their argument object in the documentation for wp_tag_cloud():

    • smallest - The smallest tag (lowest count) is shown at size 8
    • largest - The largest tag (highest count) is shown at size 22
    • unit - Describes 'pt' (point) as the font-size unit for the smallest and largest values
    • number - Displays at most 45 tags
    • format - Displays the tags in flat (separated by whitespace) style
    • separator - Displays whitespace between tags
    • orderby - Order the tags by name
    • order - Sort the tags in ASCENDING fashion
    • exclude - Exclude no tags
    • include - Include all tags
    • *topic_count_text_callback* - Uses function default_topic_count_text
    • link - view
    • taxonomy - Use post tags for basis of cloud
    • echo - echo the results

    That's with this code as a sample:

    <?php $args = array(
        'smallest'                  => 8, 
        'largest'                   => 22,
        'unit'                      => 'pt', 
        'number'                    => 45,  
        'format'                    => 'flat',
        'separator'                 => \"\n\",
        'orderby'                   => 'name', 
        'order'                     => 'ASC',
        'exclude'                   => null, 
        'include'                   => null, 
        'topic_count_text_callback' => default_topic_count_text,
        'link'                      => 'view', 
        'taxonomy'                  => 'post_tag', 
        'echo'                      => true ); ?>