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Doctrine 2 Restricting Associations with DQL

There seems to be an over sight in Doctrine 2.1 where it isn't easy to return a subset collection for an association.

The docs recommend to write a repository find method, which makes sense because that was the first thing I though of doing.

However without having a reference to the EntityManager within an Entity I can't see how you would retrieve the association's Repository and this seems to defeat the point of separating the Domain from the Database?

Is there a recommended strategy for this problem?

Here is my interpretation of their suggested solution.

class Category
    protected $id;
    protected $articles; // PesistentCollection
    protected $em; // The EntityManager from somewhere?

    public function getVisableArticles()
        return $this->em->getRepository('Article')


    1. Having entitymanager in an entity isn't a good thing in any case (inject your repository instead)
    2. Category isn't the only root for articles because it can't daterimne what articles you need, so you need a repository for articles.

    What i would do:

    class Category
        protected $id;
        protected $articles; // PesistentCollection
        public function getVisableArticles(IArticleRepository $articleRepository)
            return $articleRepository->getVisibleByCategory($this);
    interface IArticleRepository
        function getVisibleByCategory(Category $category);

    Your doctrine's repository would implement IArticleRepository and the class won't know anything about your data storage/doctrine.