I'm using a data grid with an item renderer that creates a toggle button. The idea is to have a list of items and only allow one to be selected and pre-select one at start.
I've got the single button selection working, meaning that when I click on on toggle button, the others are deselected.
My problem is to create a way of pre-selecting an element of the data grid or simulate a click on a row and selecting the corresponding toggle button.
If I use the datagrid.selectedIndex the result is a selection but the toggle button doesn't get selected.
Here is the code example
In this example I am using the array value "selected" to define selected button, not my favourite solution but the one that worked first.
The array collection:
public static const ValuesList : ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(
{ID:0, Name:"One", selected:false},
{ID:1, Name:"Two", selected:false},
{ID:2, Name:"Three", selected:false},
{ID:3, Name:"Four", selected:false}
The data grid:
<s:DataGrid id="dataGrid" dataProvider={ValuesList} >
<s:GridColumn id="GridCol0" />
<s:GridColumn id="GridCol1" />
<s:GridColumn id="GridCol2" itemRenderer = "detail_ItemRenderer" />
The column item renderer:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:GridItemRenderer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
* Creatioon complete event handler to set toggle button content value.
* */
protected function MyToggleButton_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent) : void
MyListToggleButton.label = data.Name;
MyToggleButton.selected = data.selected;
* One of the only function that are called on item interaction.
* */
override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void
MyToggleButton.selected = data.selected;
<s:ToggleButton id="MyToggleButton" width="100%" height="100%"
creationComplete="MyToggleButton_creationCompleteHandler(event)" />
Using the data array to pass information into the Toggle button. Setting one value to "true" will display the selected element.
To insure data integrity I advise to set the selected index of the grid to the corresponding index of the value set to "true":
public function SetSelectedIndexByName() : int
for (var i : int=0; i < dataGrid.dataProvider.length ; i++)
if (dataGrid.dataProvider[i].toString().toUpperCase() == "TRUE")
return i;
return -1;
In your GridItemRenderer
, you should overwrite the setter of data
. Your data will contain a variable defining the selection of the ToggleButton
. In the setter you will be able to toggle the button based on this variable.
To have only one button selected, you may use a static variable in your renderer which stores the selected itemrenderer. This one is simpler but not really clean since it's a matter of data, not renderers. So you may listen for any change in the dataProvider from a higher level and ensure there's only one item selected.