I'm trying to extract the following json values
// a 'Change item with a list of values
// a 'Change item with a single value
I have the following case classes
case class ChangeItem(`@count`: String, change: List[ChangeItemDetail]) {
def this(`@count`: String, change: ChangeItemDetail) = this(`@count`, List(change))
case class ChangeItemDetail(`@webLink`:String, `@version`:String, `@id`:String, `@href`: String)
but with lift-json only the JSON example with multiple items seems to work, the single item throws.
parse(listEx).extract[ChangeItem] // OK
parse(singleEx).extract[ChangeItem] // throws
Is there a solution to this?
One way to solve this is to "fix" the JSON by transforming it to a uniform format.
val json = parse(origJson) transform {
case JField("change", o: JObject) => JField("change", JArray(o :: Nil))
That will work in both cases.