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Time Delay for operations using WinForm App in c#

I have a problem with a Windows Form Application in C# Inside This application there is a Tabbed Browser. Now i want that in a loop (where i do some operation to calculate the next url) i could add a delay between AddTab.


 foreach(Urls url in Links){

        // Do something with url
         if(url.Host == "google"){ //if host is google until start the 
                                   // next AddTab i would wait 5 SEC
           //Here i Tried to use Sleep Thread , While(TimeCur-TimePre) {} but i always 
           // get Freezing and the other Tabs dont continue the loading
             Wait 5 Seconds in somehow

As i wrote i dont want use Thread Sleep becouse it freezes My Form Application. I already used the time trick with TimeCur-TimeSaved+(x Second) but this freezes the form too.

I saw many topics where people say to use Timers so I tried to use them(without any result, maybe i wrong something)

What can i add in this loop to delay the opening between the AddTab without freezing anything?


  •     var thread = new System.Threading.Thread(p =>
            lock (YourTabControl)
                Action action = () =>
                if(url.Host == "google")