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Notify celery task of worker shutdown

I am using celery 2.4.1 with python 2.6, the rabbitmq backend, and django. I would like my task to be able to clean up properly if the worker shuts down. As far as I am aware you cannot supply a task destructor so I tried hooking into the worker_shutdown signal.

Note: AbortableTask only works with the database backend so I cant use that.

from celery.signals import worker_shutdown

def mytask(*args)

  obj = DoStuff()

  def shutdown_hook(*args):
     print "Worker shutting down"
     # cleanup nicely


  # blocking call that monitors a network connection

However, the shutdown hook never gets called. Ctrl-C'ing the worker doesnt kill the task and I have to manually kill it from the shell.

So if this is not the proper way to go about it, how do I allow tasks to shutdown gracefully?


  • worker_shutdown is only sent by the MainProcess, not the child pool workers. All worker_* signals except for worker_process_init, refer to the MainProcess.

    However, the shutdown hook never gets called. Ctrl-C'ing the worker doesn't kill the task and I have to manually kill it from the shell.

    The worker never terminates a task under normal (warm) shutdown. Even if a task takes days to complete, the worker won't complete shutdown until it's completed. You can set --soft-time-limit, or --time-limit to to tell the instance when it's ok to terminate the task.

    So to add any kind of process cleanup process you first need to make sure that the tasks can actually complete. As the cleanup wouldn't be called before that happens.

    To add a cleanup step to the pool worker processes you can use something like:

    from celery import platforms
    from celery.signals import worker_process_init
    def cleanup_after_tasks(signum, frame):
        # reentrant code here (see
    def install_pool_process_sighandlers(**kwargs):
        platforms.signals["TERM"] = cleanup_after_tasks
        platforms.signals["INT"] = cleanup_after_tasks