Assume the following possible models:
Model 1:
TABLE: book
- book_id
- name
TABLE: book_author
- book_author_id
- book_id
- author_id
TABLE: author
- author_id
- name
(a book can have 0 or more authors)
Model 2:
TABLE: book
- book_id
- name
TABLE: book_eav
- book_eav_id
- book_id
- attribute (e.g. "author")
- value (e.g. "Tom Clancy")
(a book can have 0 or more authors + information about publisher, number of pages, etc.)
How do I query this in such a way that I get back book.book_id
+ an authors
field that contains the 0 or more values associated with the book?
I'm trying to do this so I can use the query results as documents in a Lucene index.
Lucene supports multiple fields with the same name, meaning that you can actually store multiple fields named "Author" on the same document.
I suggest that you actually do that, and fetch additional data using another statement, for example:
one select for books. one select for book_id and the author.