I have a webmethod that inserts a bunch of recipes into a queue in the database (to store recipes the user is interested in cooking, similar to NetFlix's movie queue). The user is able to check off a bunch of recipes at once and queue them. I have code similar to this:
public void EnqueueRecipes(SecurityCredentials credentials, Guid[] recipeIds)
DB.User user = new DB.User(credentials);
using (new TransactionScope(OnDispose.Commit))
foreach (Guid rid in recipeIds)
DB.QueuedRecipe qr = new DB.QueuedRecipe(Guid.NewGuid(), user, new DB.Recipe(rid));
I have a unique constraint on UserId/RecipeId so a user can only enqueue a recipe once. However, if they happen to select a recipe that's already in their queue I don't really want to bother the user with an error message, I just want to ignore that recipe.
The above code will throw a SQL exception if the unique constraint is violated. What's the best approach to get around this, and simply ignore duplicate rows. My current ideas are:
the for loop. Pros: No unnecessary SQL inserts get sent to the
database. Cons: Slower, especially if the user has a big queue.Are there any other little tricks with Castle or the NHibernate framework? Also, my SQL backend is PostgreSQL 9.0. Thanks!
I took a shot at the first approach and it seems to work pretty well. It occured to me I don't have to load the entire queue, just the ones that appear in recipeIds. I believe my foreach()
loop is now O(n^2) depending on the efficiency of List<Guid>::Contains()
but I think this is probably decent for the sizes I'll be working with.
//Check for dupes
DB.QueuedRecipe[] dbRecipes = DB.QueuedRecipe.FindAll(Expression.In("Recipe",
(from r in recipeIds select new DB.Recipe(r)).ToArray()
List<Guid> existing = (from r in dbRecipes select r.Recipe.RecipeId).ToList();
using (new TransactionScope(OnDispose.Commit))
foreach (Guid rid in recipeIds)
if (existing.Contains(rid))
DB.QueuedRecipe qr = new DB.QueuedRecipe(Guid.NewGuid(), user, new DB.Recipe(rid));
You can do that with a single SQL statement:
INSERT INTO user_recipe
SELECT new_UserId, new_RecipeId
FROM user_recipe
FROM user_recipe
WHERE (UserId, RecipeId) = (new_UserId, new_RecipeId)
only returns the row if it doesn't already exist, so it will only be inserted in this case.
If you have a long list of recipes to insert at once, you could:
CREATE TEMP TABLE i(userId int, recipeid int) ON COMMIT DROP;
(1,2), (2,4), (2,4), (2,7), (2,43), (23,113), (223,133);
INSERT INTO user_recipe
SELECT DISTINCT i.* -- remove dupes from the insert candidates themselves
LEFT JOIN user_recipe u USING (userid, recipeid)
WHERE u.userid IS NULL;
Temporary table would be an overkill for just a few records, as Mike commented.
INSERT INTO user_recipe
SELECT DISTINCT * -- only if you need to remove possible dupes
VALUES (1::int, 2::int)
,(2, 3)
,(2, 4)
,(2, 4) -- dupe will be removed
,(2, 43)
,(23, 113)
,(223, 133)
) i(userid, recipeid)
) i
LEFT JOIN user_recipe u USING (userid, recipeid)
WHERE u.userid IS NULL;