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HTML indenting with Perl

I have a variable (ex. $content) with HTML code (without line breaks - removed before). How to process HTML code with adding TAB indent after each open tag and decrease indent level after each closing tag?

P.S. I don't need external script or programm (like tidy). I need to make this in my own script.

For example: source content:

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>test</title></head>   <body>  <h1>hello!</h1><p>It works!</p></body></html>

needed result:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <p>It works!</p>


  • use HTML::HTML5::Parser qw();
    use HTML::HTML5::Writer qw();
    use XML::LibXML::PrettyPrint qw();
    print HTML::HTML5::Writer->new(
        start_tags => 'force',
        end_tags => 'force',
            indent_string => "\t"
                '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>test</title></head>   <body>  <h1>hello!</h1><p>It works!</p></body></html>'

    <!DOCTYPE html><html>
            <p>It works!</p>