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Verify Business Identity

I'm developing a web application that involves businesses signing up. What is the best way to verify a businesses identity? How do I know the person signing up for "Pizza Hut" really works for Pizza Hut? Are there web services I can utilize?


  • I know it seems far-fetched, but there are identify verification services that can identify a person's identity. I've seen them in action and the info they had on me was downright scary. They knew where I had worked, where I went to school (even the one semester psychology class I took just for fun.)

    These services work because they purchase public records. For example, I took out a loan for an automobile at a bank, and had to list my employer. That's how they know who I worked for from 1987-1994.

    I would bet that these services could help you.

    Here's one. (I'm in no way affiliated with them. We just had them demo their product to us.)

    Here is another:

    We eventually went with services provided by Trans-Union (The credit reporting agency) in their IDMA and IDMV products. (I can't find the links right now - my PC is acting up, but you should be able to find them on the Trans-Union site.)

    These services are not cheap, by the way.