I'm reloading the markers in my map using replaceMarkers(). Everything seems to be working great, but after trying multiple methods, I can't seem to keep an open infowindow open when zooming or panning. It's especially annoying when the user clicks on a record listed in the sidebar which brings up the info window for a moment - only to disappear once the panning has stopped.
I've tried using visibleInfoWindow to keep track of the window & reopen it once the markers have been reset, but when doing this the newly opened infowindow no longer closes.
I'm guessing that I'm just missing something. Thanks in advance for any help.
In case others will benefit, I have succeeded in keeping the window open by doing the following after calling replaceMarkers():
note that I couldn't just use marker in the open call. I needed to use the serviceObject which has the anchor point & offset properties required.