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How to use TreeView for .NET?

Coming from Win32, I am having bit of an issue or a problem trying to work with treeview for .NET. I have searched online, msdn library and stackoverflow and none seem to help me.

Could someone, please, show me how you can use Treeview to create node, create childnode, set data or object, retrieve object, check its level, etc...

Example code would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


  • 1) Create a root Node

    use the Nodes.Add method

    treeView1.Nodes.Add('A Node');

    2) Create a Child Node, get the instance to the parent node and uses the Nodes.Add

    Node.Nodes.Add('A Child Node');

    3) To store an object in anode use the Tag property of the Node


    4) To Retrieve the object use the tag property and cast the value.

    MyObj2:= TMyObject(Node.Tag);

    5) to get the level, chek the Level property of the node.

    Check this simple code :

      Node     : TreeNode;  
      MyObj    : TMyObject; 
      MyObj2   : TMyObject; 
      Node:=treeView1.Nodes.Add('A Node'); //add a root node 
      Node.Text:= String.Format('{0} in level {1}',Node.Text,Node.Level);
        Node.Nodes.Add('A Child Node');
        Node.Nodes.Add('Another Child Node');
      Node:=treeView1.Nodes.Add('Another Node');
      MyObj:=New TMyObject;
      Node.Tag:=MyObj;//set the object
      MyObj2:= TMyObject(Node.Tag); //get the assigned object