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Activator.CreateInstance(string, string) throwing TypeLoadException

I have the following code:

public static void Invoke(string assemblyName, string scheduledTaskExecutorName)
    ObjectHandle objectHandle = Activator.CreateInstance(assemblyName, scheduledTaskExecutorName);
    IScheduledTaskExecutor scheduledTaskExecutor = (IScheduledTaskExecutor)objectHandle.Unwrap();

I have a class called DummyScheduledTaskExecutor which looks like this:

public class DummyScheduledTaskExecutor : IScheduledTaskExecutor
    public void ExecuteScheduledTask()
        DummyTextFile.Text = "Success!";

It resides in an assembly whose assembly name (as defined in the assembly's properties) is Tests.WebApplication.Application.Unit.

My call to Invoke(string, string) looks like this:

ScheduledTaskInvoker.Invoke("Tests.WebApplication.Application.Unit", "DummyScheduledTaskExecutor");

Trying to run this code just throws a TypeLoadException. Have I expressed the assembly or type name incorrectly, or is something else going on?


  • scheduledTaskExecutorName need to include the namespace.

    Try including the whole namespace in your second parameter.

    My example:

    namespace WindowsFormsApplication6
        public partial class Form1 : Form
            public Form1()
            private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(null, "WindowsFormsApplication6.TestClass");
    namespace WindowsFormsApplication6
        public class TestClass