I have the following block of code in my User_spec.rb:
@user = { username:'newuser',
for creating a using using these attributes. However while I moved all these attributes to Factories.rb:
require 'factory_girl'
Factory.define :user do |u|
u.username 'newuser'
u.email 'new@user.com'
u.fname 'new'
u.lname 'user'
u.password 'newuserpw'
u.password_confirmation 'newuserpw'
and replace the line in user_spec.rb with:
@user = Factory(:user)
all my tests that related to the User model failed(such as tests for email, password, username etc), all were giving me
"undefined method `stringify_keys' for…"
the new user object
I had a similar problem, and it was because I was passing a FactoryGirl object to the ActiveRecord create/new method (whoops!). It looks like you are doing the same thing here.
The first/top @user you have listed is a hash of values, but the second/bottom @user is an instance of your User ojbect (built by FactoryGirl on the fly).
If you are calling something like this in your specs:
user = User.new(@user)
The first (hashed) version of @user will work, but the second (objectified) version will not work (and throw you the 'stringify_keys' error). To use the second version of @user properly, you should have this in your specs:
user = Factory(:user)
Hope that helps.