I have published apk to the Android Market, activated and setup for free for all countries.
Android Market says, my application is not compatible with any of the devices. I can see an application when I access Android Market from the PC browser but I can not download it from any of the Android phone (the same device used to test application before release).
How is that possible if I have just few requirements? I have tested the application on a few quite old devices before upload and it worked.
Information from the Publishing options:
This application is only available to devices with these features, as defined in your application manifest.
Required device features
*This application is available to over 0 devices.*
Information fron the APK tab:
VersionCode: 2
VersionName: 1.0.1
Size: 4.3M
Localized to: default
Permissions: android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE, android.permission.INTERNET, android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
Features: android.hardware.screen.portrait, android.hardware.touchscreen
API level: 7-15+
Supported screens: small-xlarge
OpenGL textures: all
If it is not strange enough, I have another application at the same account with very similar requirements and it gives me: This application is available to over 746 devices.
What is going on?
Because many answers suggests something like: "Just activate your APK..." I emphasize it again:
APK is ACTIVATED (as stated at the beginning of the question and presented on the screenshot above).
My app after an update had was available for 0 devices.
Anyway I found the solution for my case, so you can check if it works for you as well.
my mistake was that I included .jar files in order to add some external libraries and not the respective external class folders. When I removed the .jar files and I just added the class folder then devices became over 700 again.
for example I had the facebook API (an old one, not the current) and I had created a jar file out of it in order to include it like this in my app. So when I removed the jar files and added the Facebook API projecy (Project Properties -> Java Build Path -> Projects -> Add..., the app was OK for the android market.