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assigning specific column to be primary key when reflecting an existing table with sqlalchemy and turbogears

this is part of a project that involves working with tg2 against 2 databases one of them (which this model uses is mssql). since that table I need to read/write from is created and managed with a different application I don't want turbogears to overwrite/change the table - just work with the existing table - so I use sqlalchemy magical 'autoload' reflection (I also don't know every detail of this table configuration in the mssql db) some of the reflection is done in and not in the class (as some sqlalchemy tutorial suggest) because of tg2 innerworking

this is the error message I get:(the table name in db is SOMETABLE and in my app the class is activities)

sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Mapper Mapper|Activities|SOMETABLE could not
 assemble any primary key columns for mapped table 'SOMETABLE'

this is activities class:

class Activities(DeclarativeBase2):

    __tablename__ = 'SOMETABLE'
    #tried the classic way, I used in another place without tg but didn't work here -      the reflection should be outside the class
    #__table_args__=  {'autoload':True
    def __init__(self,**kw):
        for k,v in kw.items():

and this is init model method (where the reflection is called):

def init_model(engine1,engine2):
    """Call me before using any of the tables or classes in the model."""

    # If you are using reflection to introspect your database and create
    # table objects for you, your tables must be defined and mapped inside
    # the init_model function, so that the engine is available if you
    # use the model outside tg2, you need to make sure this is called before
    # you use the model.

    # See the following example:
    metadata.bind = engine1
    metadata2.bind = engine2

    global t_reflected
    t_reflected = Table("SOMETABLE", metadata2,
        autoload=True, autoload_with=engine2)
    mapper(Activities, t_reflected

so I think I need to tell sqlalchemy what is the primary key - but how do I do it while using the reflection (I know the primary key field)?

EDIT the working solution:

def init_model(engine1,engine2):
    """Call me before using any of the tables or classes in the model."""

    # If you are using reflection to introspect your database and create
    # table objects for you, your tables must be defined and mapped inside
    # the init_model function, so that the engine is available if you
    # use the model outside tg2, you need to make sure this is called before
    # you use the model.

    # See the following example:
    metadata.bind = engine1
    metadata2.bind = engine2

    global t_reflected
    t_reflected = Table("SOMETABLE", metadata2,String,primary_key=True),
        autoload=True, autoload_with=engine2)# adding the primary key column here didn't work
    mapper(Activities, t_reflected, non_primary=True)# notice the needed non_primary - for some reason I can't do the whole mapping in one file and I Have to do part in init_model and part in the model - quite annoying

also in the model I had to add the primary key column making it:

class Activities(DeclarativeBase2):

__tablename__ = 'SOMETABLE'
#tried the classic way, I used in another place without tg but didn't work here -      the reflection should be outside the class
EVENTCODE = Column(String, primary_key=True)# needed because the reflection couldn't find the primary key .

of course I also had to add various imports in to make this work

the strange thing is it turned out that it complained about not finding a primary key before it even connected to the db and when a standalone sqlalchemy class (without tg2) doing the same key - didn't complain at all. makes you wonder


  • You can mix-and-match: see Overriding Reflected Columns in the documentation. In your case the code would look similar to this:

    t_reflected = Table("SOMETABLE", metadata2,
        Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), # override reflected '???' column to have primary key
        autoload=True, autoload_with=engine2)

    edit-1: Model version: I also think that only declarative version should work as well, in which case you should not define a table t_reflected and also should not map those manually using mapper(...) because declarative classes are automatically mapped:

    class Activities(DeclarativeBase2):
        __table__ = Table('SOMETABLE', metadata2,
            Column('EVENTCODE', Unicode, primary_key=True),
            autoload=True, autoload_with=engine2,
        def __init__(self,**kw):
            for k,v in kw.items():