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How to set up prescaler on ISR to a certain interval in microseconds?

I have a PIC18F87J11 device and I'm supposed to create:
1) a high-priority ISR that's supposed to be triggered every 100ms
2) a low-priority ISR that's supposed to be triggered every 10ms

I have a basic knowledge about configuring a pre-scaler, in example for Timer0, it's

movlw b'00000010'
movwf T0CON

as manual page reads, this should configure Timer0 to 16bit counter, pre-scaler 1:8 (device's manual page 179). The problem is, I don't know how to determine the correct pre-scaler settings when I want 100ms intervals. Any help appreciated.

Okay, now I realize that I probably have way less idea about what I'm doing then I thought. I can't find relevant information in manual (and I'm sure it is there). I need to set up Timer0 to 100ms and Timer1 to 10ms.


  • Here are you have ISR high-priority initiation rutine for TMR0.

    At very begining of your MCPU initiation code you must define...

    ;Init TMR0 as 8 bit timer, overflow every 1024 CPU cycles if TMRxPrescaler4 is set
    TMRxPrescaler2      equ 0
    TMRxPrescaler4      equ 1
    TMRxPrescaler8      equ 2
    TMRxPrescaler16     equ 3
    TMRxPrescaler32     equ 4
    TMRxPrescaler64     equ 5
    TMRxPrescaler128    equ 6
    TMRxPrescaler256    equ 7
        movlw   (1<<TMR0ON) + (1<<T08BIT) + TMRxPrescaler4
        movwf   T0CON
        bsf INTCON, TMR0IE       ;enable TMR0 overflow interrupt 

    After MCPU initiation don't forget to switch on interrupts...

        bsf     INTCON, GIE

    ISR rutine:

        bcf INTCON, TMR0IF              ;demask TMR0 overflow interrupt
    ;your ISR code
        retfie  1

    In ISR rutune count numbers of TMR0 overflows, for 10MHz CPU clock: 10000000 / 4 / 1024 = 2441.4 overflows for one second.

    I recommend that you are using only one ISR rutine where you handle both events.