Qt's regex (C++) is not working as I expect. For example, in the following line (spaces as full stops)
"mRNA" is not matched by:
QRegExp rxItem("^\\s{5}(\\w+)") ;
But is matched by the following:
QRegExp rxItem("\\s{4}(\\w+)") ;
So it looks as if the start of the line and the first space is not being recognised for some reason. I checked-out the Qt documentation for QRegExp and as far as I can tell "^" signifies the start of a line and \s is space as in Perl.
Any ideas?
The following code:
#include <QtCore/QRegExp>
#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QString test = " mRNA complement(join(<85666 86403,86539 >86727))";
QRegExp rxItem( "^\\s{5}(\\w+)" );
if( rxItem.indexIn( test ) != -1 )
qDebug() << "Matched" << rxItem.cap( 1 );
qDebug() << "No match";
return 0;
Matched "mRNA"
So it seems to be working. Did you maybe treat a result of 0 returned by indexIn
as error?