I have Windows 7 64bit. I am trying to use Firebird with VS 2010.
I get the following error:
Failed to find or load the registered .Net Framework Data Provider.
I have done the following
I copied the .dll's from the DDEX zip file to the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\FirebirdClient The contents of which are:
I edited the 2 reg files from the DDEX, replacing "%path%" with "C:\Program Files (x86)\FirebirdClient"
From the directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\NETFX 4.0 Tools" I have run the Gacutil, as follows
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\FirebirdClient"
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin\NETFX 4.0 Tools\gacutil.exe" /i FirebirdSql.VisualStudio.DataTools.dll
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin\NETFX 4.0 Tools\gacutil.exe" /i FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.dll
I could not use the other Gacutil, as it said it was built for a previous version.
I have also run
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin\NETFX 4.0 Tools\gacutil.exe" /l Firebirdsql.data.firebirdclient
Which gave me:
The Global Assembly Cache contains the following assemblies:
Firebirdsql.data.firebirdclient, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3750abcc3150b00c, processorArchitecture=MSIL
From the directory C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET I have modified the following 4 files:
In each of these files, I have added the following 2 entries
<section name="FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient" type="System.Data.Common.DbProviderConfigurationHandler, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />
<add name="Firebird Client Data Provider" invariant="FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient" description=".Net Framework Data Provider for Firebird" type="FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FirebirdClientFactory, FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3750abcc3150b00c" />
After all of this, I still can't get firebird working withing Visual studio. I can view the database & tables from within the Server explorer, however I can't add a datasource, at the finish step, it gives an error:
"An error occurred while creating the new data source: Could not get type information for "WinFormsApp.DataSet1".
As a better example, Using the DbProviderFactory, Firebird is the 5th index, I run the following code:
DataTable dt = DbProviderFactories.GetFactoryClasses();
// Use this for loop to see what row holds FirebirdClient
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", i.ToString(), dt.Rows[i][2].ToString());
// For me, FirebirdClient is at row 5
DbProviderFactory dataFactory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(dt.Rows[5]);
The following exception appears:
Failed to find or load the registered .Net Framework Data Provider.
System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException was caught
Message=Failed to find or load the registered .Net Framework Data Provider.
BareMessage=Failed to find or load the registered .Net Framework Data Provider.
at System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(DataRow providerRow)
at Forms.TestForm.TestConn() in C:\Data\Projects\Dev\FirebirdTest\Forms\TestForm.cs:line 113
InnerException: null
Can anyone please assist.
This line in the machine.config:
<section name="FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient" type="System.Data.Common.DbProviderConfigurationHandler, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />
should read like this:
<section name="firebirdsql.data.firebirdclient" type="System.Data.Common.DbProviderConfigurationHandler, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />
Note that the version is different, it's supposed to be the runtime versin and not the version of the firebird client. Also I believe that you need only edit the 32bit version of the machine.config since VS is a 32 bit application.